
Confessions of.....(and other ramblings by Bis Saucier)....because, frankly, Twitter can't hold all my thoughts.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Confessions of... A Blog Virgin

So...Ive done the Xanga...
dabbled at the Myspace...
grew addicted to the Facebook...
attempted the Twitter..

and now I will try what I never had the guts to do before..The Blog..


I always thought to have a blog you had to be a talented or humorous writer, but then again  I had never attempted to try, so how do I know for sure?

I also believed that to be a blogger you had to have a  ton of time..again, another myth.

Judging from the mindless hours I spent on  the Facebook , and the computer class in high school I spent decorating my Myspace behind my teachers back....and the online minutes I spent on my Crackberry trying to figure out how the hell to do Twitter  (or as my Craigy calls it, the Twitty Box)

With all that "accomplished"...time should not be the excuse.

I mean hell, take Oprah, (My favorite superhero), who reads complete books for her book club,plus books that guests have written, sees all the movies that actors or actresses have done before they are a guest, now producing her own  TV network ( properly titled "Own") while still finishing her last season (::sobs::) AND opening schools, giving away cars, purchasing all the other stuff she gives out..AND still has time to write EVERY DAY in her journal!

I, a mere human citizen, have no excuse.

But what to write about..ahh, that is the question.

I titled my blog "Trying to Follow my Yellow Brick Road" for a reason

I'm at a new chapter in my life, where I'm trying to figure out who I cliche as it sounds. Im taking this amazing oppurtunity to do some serious soul searching..but I dont want to call it soul searching..thats what everyone else calls it! Thus, I decided to call this journey Following MY Yellow Brick Road.
Emphasis on the MY because...everyone soul searches differently...thats the beauty of it.

You see, although I have a college education (very proud ownner of an Associates in PSYCHO-logy) I stayed home. I didnt do the whole package of the coveted college experience. My high school drama teacher called college "Utopia"...I'm sure others feel the same way. So why didnt I do it? Well, there were several reasons...fear of the unknown, not used to stepping out of my comfort zone, lack of money,fear of taking out loans (after hearing of my two older brothers' college loan debts) so to sum it all up...FEAR.

Fear holds me back from LOTS of things.

and it needs to stop.

Could I go back and finish school, I could..but I think I long for more. Do I sometimes wish I just bucked up and did it, sure I have. Lots of my friends have wonderful stories from college that I cant compare to, and theres no jealousy there, I'm very proud and happy for each of them.

But this goes back to my statement of every one soul searches differently, and Ive learned that College is not for everybody, and it currently isnt a stop on MY Yellow Brick Road....

2010 was the hardest/scariest/craziest/funniest/strangest year of my life (so far). There was a lot of firsts, a lot of lasts..lots of fun, lots of lonely days, lots of hurts, lots of mistakes...and some regret. I wish I could plead insanity that year...cause thats what it felt like.

I celebrated my 24th birthday in rehab...and it has been one of the best I've had. I left Tulsa where I spent the last 21 years, went to rehab in Texas for my obsession with drugs and alcohol, and am currently living out of suitcases in Texas. Im with my parents for now, but in a few weeks will be leaving for California to stay with an aunt. Its so far been a strange/interesting 2011....but I can honestly say I'm the most content Ive been in a very long time. And Im excited and have a thirst for life that I havent felt in a while! and perhaps this bloggy thing is part of that. Im trying new things, traveling, and having an open heart and mind to whatever/whoever I run into on the yellow brick road. Whether it be scary,fun or adventureas I'm ready for it. I'm finally stepping out of my comfort zone and trying.

with this blog I will track my journey, and also sharing thought,ideas, likes and dislikes, random thoughts, lists, hell, its mine and I will do what I please with it!

I can't wait to see what this road brings..perhaps to MY  Utopia,
     MY  Emerald City.....


                         (whoa, that was longer than expected...maybe I can do this afterall)

                                             Peace,Love and Soul Searching,



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