
Confessions of.....(and other ramblings by Bis Saucier)....because, frankly, Twitter can't hold all my thoughts.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Confessions of.....a clone

Glad to be back, FINALLY got my computer fixed! (Thank you "Pop's friend from work")

Now to get back to business, I want to make today's post about something close to my heart.

For I am a proud owner...of a Mini-Me!

Well....I don't OWN her exactly..that would be slavery which is illegal..but...

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...but what if its done accidentally?

November 13th, 2000 is a day I will never forget...My sister, whom on this site I will call Arphah (don't ask)(and out of respect I will change all names of those in my life for their own privacy)

Anyway, my sister Arphah was starting to have contractions, about to give birth too her second child,I was 13 years old and she was calmly taking glances at her watch, while writing down the timing in between each contraction and noting the pressure (she's ALWAYS so freaking organized), then Mum picked her up to go to the Big Pink Hospital in Tulsa,Oklahoma...and what seemed like seconds later we got a call that Tei' Boux [whom I call],a baby girl was born.

We got to the hospital and they put her in my arms..and she looked!?!?!?
have you ever held a little you? Its pretty freaky! I always saw pictures of me as a baby and wondered what it would be like to play with or hold a "little me" ...but when I held Tei' Boux (pronounced Tea-Boo), Mum said to me "You wonder what you looked like as a baby, you're holding her". And the thing sister and I look NOTHING alike, she's a spitting image of my father, and I my mother. The only things we share are our big noses, big feet, and same voice on the phone apparently, but here, her baby girl,looks like her little sister? Genes are a funny thing aren't they?

I helped raise them from the time I was 12 years old to high school. Spent my summers with them since both parents worked, sometimes 2 jobs. Even after graduation,during college and after,I spent many days keeping them.Our favorite outings were the bookstore and park (though the bookstore was better since they got cookies and chocolate milk in coffee cups) As she got older...I knew she was something special. I was babysitting the two girls (The older one I call Pe'i Chouette,who is equally special) and I put on the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge, and on the Can Can song, they both got up and danced. While Pe'i was dancing like most kids do, Te'i ,who was almost 2 at the time...a had rhythm and a repetitive dance move that I cant went right with the song and she had a focused serious face.....and I thought "Damn, that baby can dance"...

Age 5 she came over with striped stockings that didn't match her dress,arms jingling with bracelets, and my sister told me when she asked Te'i why she's dressing that way,she answered,  "so I can look like Aunt Missy".....(at this time it was my style...its true) I could have cried it was so cute and sweet...and dare I say, flattering.. and boy was she thrilled when I put my top hat on her :)

Now fast forward to this past January, Te'i is 10 now (10 1/2, scuuuuse me) and I'm working as one of the directors on a young adult/college age function, during one night there was a dance. My sister comes and brings the girls cause kids are welcome to come. Te'i Boux SOOOO badly wants to dance with everyone, but doesn't want to go alone. Arphah is very shy and doesnt dance, neither does HER mini-me Pe'i Chouette, so of course the two weirdos make our way to the dance floor to Lady Gaga's "Just Dance", I goofily dance the robot and pop n' lock...and then to my surprise, that one time rhythmic baby, is busting moves I didn't know she had...dancing like someone straight out of So You Think You Can Dance!! with a serious look, she upstages me gladly with crumping and hip hop,the crowd circles around us,cheering on my tiny dancer.....

Arphah tells me all the time how much were alike, from her random goofy outbursts in hopes of weirding someone out (Why no.... I didn't teach her that...) to her love of movie stars,dancing and performing...her appetite for books, her mannerisms and the way she tells stories..all like her Aunt Missy....and as she gets older I worry....there are traits of mine I pray she never has, and my mistakes,my behaviors....I pray she's not like me...but I know that's up to the man upstairs...and I have a feeling she will be smarter and wiser than I ever was,and will make better choices than I ever did....she's a good girl, Mia I'io Piccolo...(that's Italian for , "My Mini Me" or "Little Self")....

Also as she gets older..she looks less like me...everyone says how much she looks like her Aunt K...and I winced when Mum called her "K's Mini Me".... and its true she looks more like her than me now (again, those weird ass genes)


 keep being you, my little wild flower...I love you just as you are

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